Our drop off site is accessible by driving behind the building to meet someone on our dock. Please ring the bell if they are busy helping in the food pantry. We currently accept donations during these time periods:

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11a – 3p, or by appointment.

Clothing & Household Goods:

We accept all sorts of clothing and household goods

However, please be sure that ALL items are clean, in working order, and have all the parts necessary for operation.

Items must be sellable; if you were unable to sell items at your yard sale, it is unlikely we will be able 

to sell them at the Center.

  • Clothing & Accessories (Sellable)
  • Household items
  • Knick Knacks
  • Books, DVDs
  • Games, Crafts

We do not have the resources to extensively clean, repair, or re-tool donated items.

Clothing and other fabric items need to be clean and free of rips, stains, tears, missing buttons, etc.

Please keep in mind–there are times, due to space restraints and safety, we must turn away donations.

We try to avoid this, but the safety of our volunteers is our utmost priority. We reserve the right to refuse donations at any time. Please pull around back for ALL donations and ring the bell; someone will assist you there. We cannot accept any kind of donation through the front door, as all donations must be weighed and logged. Receipts gladly supplied upon request!

*Due to limited space in our store, we ask that donors please sort through items and give us the “best of the best.” 

We DO NOT accept:

Baby car seats/walkers/strollers/pack and plays are accepted on a case-by-case basis.

  • VCRs, VHS tapes
  •  Window blinds
  • File cabinets
  • Cassette players or tapes
  • Rugs from homes with pets
  • Outdated small appliances
  • Avon perfume/cologne bottles
  • Men’s suits
  • Bowling balls
  • Breast pumps
  • Text books/dictionaries/encyclopedias
  • Large furniture
  • Bed frames
  • Mattresses
  • Dirty or moldy item 
  • Exercise Equipment
  • Electronics (computers, printers, tv’s)
  • Medical Supplies

Occasionally, we have to turn away thrift store donations due to the amount of space we have to store items. Please understand we appreciate your time and effort, but need to keep space to serve the people in the pantry

The money we receive from these donations directly support the food pantry that serves the people in the Oregon Trail School District.

Sandy Community Action Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Federal law provides that clothing and household items must be in “good used condition or better” in order to qualify for tax deductions.